
Decimal numbers – The basics

What is the difference between decimal fractions and decimal numbers? A decimal fraction refers to a decimal number in base 10.

In South Africa we use a comma as the decimal symbol. The place values on the right-hand side of the comma will be tenths (t), hundredths (h), thousandths (th) and so on.

What is the bigger number between 3,2 and 3,02? How should we compare them? If a number has more digits on the right-hand side of the comma, does that mean the number is bigger? No, you still have to compare them in terms of place value. In the first number (3,2), is the 2 in the place value of the tenths. Thus, it is 2 tenths or 2/10. While in the second number (3,02) is the 2 in the place value of the hundredths. Thus, it is 2 hundredths or 2/100.

Now, which fraction is the biggest? 2/10 or 2/100? It is 2/10 (2 tenths) as it can also be written as 20 hundredths (20/100) and that is bigger than 2/100.

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